Monday, October 11, 2010

Machining the first part - Freehub adapter in mild steel

The first part to be machined will be a freehub adapter made from mild steel.  This freehub adapter is used to drive one of the two rear wheels and is attached to rear gear hub, which in turn in fixed to the axle.

I happen to have some 2.00 diameter steel rod about 4 feet long. It came with a  key-way machined down the length of the rod.  Since the plans call for 1.500 diameter, the key way will not be a issue. I plan to make about 6 free hubs to use for other rear wheel drive projects.

1 comment:

  1. It is brittle (and so does not absorb much energy by deformation) but this is a bonus in some autmobile parts such as the the head, block and gearbox where distortion would be negative on the engine's operation, and tools where distortion leads to inaccuracy of the tools. This also means easier machinability to get the parts made.
    It is hard and so wear resistant - another bonus in car parts and tools.
    and its cheap to make! - only carbon and silicon as alloying elements in the iron, at Mild Steel Pipe
